zero waste award

How do you substantiate the sustainability metrics you have on your website? How do you talk to customers about the work that goes on behind the scenes? How do you embed sustainability in every part of your business to ensure it’s not just a ‘nice-to-have’ or simply an intention?

We have developed our own audit process and sustainability consultancy to establish just how sustainable your company truly is and help you build processes to achieve success in areas relevant to you.

Our Zero Waste Award recognises the entire business & product lifecycle and operational processes; ensuring they directly benefit the environment via a circular resource management system. We work with you to help you achieve maximal environmental, social and economic benefits whilst enriching our planetary home throughout the entire life cycle of your product(s).

We also help you share your story with customers, embed sustainability metrics into KPIs, develop strategic hiring plans and substantiate your claims and provide you with Badges, membership and certification to prove your brand is not just zero waste, but regenerative.

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To achieve status as a regenerative business a company will serve both people and the environment and have clear metrics and processes to ensure all business decisions are made with respect for communities and resources. By undertaking this award, brands can demonstrate and communicate environmental full-cost accounting - knowing the true impact of their business activities and taking total responsibility for that.


We look for a supply chain that is fully transparent and reward brands for having complete responsibility for their partners, suppliers and their actions. Including the suppliers suppliers! We review sustainability criteria (humanitarian, animal welfare and environmental standards) and ask whether they are implemented and reviewed regularly to ensure standards are upheld.


We look to validate that products are designed with the end in mind and are created to serve a genuine planetary need. The product has a clear, measurable and intended positive impact and the the brand will have processes in place for continued improvement. Circularity is the goal, or as close to that as is possible. We reward brands for innovation, customer-feedback and integrity.


We look for materials that are fit for purpose and planet-positive. Brands that research, test, and iterate on their selected materials based on circular design principles and valid, up-to-date sustainability information are adopting regenerative practices.


We ensure that all businesses take steps to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and work to make shipping more efficient. We reward brands for prioritising local markets and suppliers, keeping their manufacturing close by and improving their transport efficiencies.


We look that company live their values by implementing and improving internal business operations to ensure they are as close to zero waste as possible. Water, office supplies, energy, recycling, employee training and engagement are all considered.


The future is uncertain for our planet. A regenerative brand is one that sees all materials as valuable, regardless of where they are in the lifecycle. They ask: 'what can I give back?' Not just 'what can I take without harm?' and commit and recommit to doing their very best to fight for a future we all know is possible


Company cultures are all unique but there are hallmarks of a positive environment that can be measured. The company must hold itself to high intersectional ethical standards both internally and externally, and be prepared to act on those values in public. They have processes, systems or aspirations to achieve and maintain and diverse and inclusive working environment.


We look for ambitious vision. Where the focus and energy of the brand is directed towards bringing environment back to equilibrium. A regenerative brand holds people and planet at the heart of their business. Their values and actions are consistently aligned with this message and they seek to produce a positive impact in all they do.

Want to learn more about this service and what we can do for you?

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